MTU Diesel engines for the oil and gas industry, Generator drives, prime power limited 50 Hz

MTU Diesel engines for the oil and gas industry, Generator drives, prime power limited 50 Hz

Rating definition: Cont. operation with variable load

Load factor: < 75 %

Operating hours: max. 1000 hours per year

Power: 10 % overload capabilty (ICXN)


Engine model kW rpm Optimization
MTU S60 272 1500 X,1
MTU S60 272 1500 1,6
MTU S60 291 1500 X,1
MTU S60 321 1500 X,1
MTU S60 321 1500 1,6
MTU S60 362 1500 1,6
MTU S60 411 1500 X,1
MTU S60 411 1500 1,6
MTU 12V 2000 P62 575 1500 6
MTU 16V 2000 P62 770 1500 6
MTU 12V 4000 P63 1560 1500 X,1
MTU 16V 4000 P63 2080 1500 X,1
MTU 20V 4000 P63 2600 1500 X,1
MTU 12V956TB33 3750 1500 X
MTU 16V956TB33 5000 1500 X
MTU 20V956TB33 6250 1500 X


Intake air temperature: 25°C

Charge-air coolant temperature before intercooler:

45°C (Series 2000P/4000P)

50°C (Series 956)

Site altitude above sea level 100 m

Exhaust optimization:

(x) Fuel consumption

(1) TA-Luft (NOx <1500 mg/mN3) optimized

(6) MARPOL directive IMO I