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BRAND Engine Type Discription Drawing No.
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Cast inon piston in one plece 08.884/04
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Plston 02.005.0911.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Plshon pin 02.005.0111.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Tube 02.005.0112.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Cllp 02.005.0113.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Plug 02.005.0031.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Oll drainage plug 02.005.0032.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Compression ring-top 02.005.0040.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Compression ring 02.005.0133.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Compression ring 02.005.0023.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Scraper ring with spring 02.005.0122.00
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE Loctite 40 99.351.040.000
S.E.M.T.PIELSTICK ENGINES PC2-5-400TYPE “O”ring 00.652.31.53.84

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